What is Emission/Nightfall (स्वप्नदोष)? Home remedies for treatment of Nightfall

What is a called Emission (स्वप्नदोष)? Semen fall during dream at night is called Emission. We can also call it Nightfall, Night Discharge or Swapan Dosh and in Persian we call it Aahatlam. The youth who used their hand to release semen in their childhood, encounter dirty dreams during the night. At the time of puberty, when the sex organ is fully prepared and they start doing their work, the sex glands begin releasing juice. When excessive secretion is collected inside the ovaries, it goes out through the penis through dream discharge. In this way, the discharge of semen inside a dream is called a Emission/Night Fall. If you are in awake position and your semen comes out, then we can not call it a Emission.

When a young man gets his first night fall, he gets very nervous. There are different types of thoughts that arise in his mind that due to nightfall, there will be occurrence of any disability in sex or not, or is there any disease has captured him? Many young people are so disturbed by this disease that their face starts to shine, they start living in sickness, their health falls day by day. They feel headache and weakness. They always like to be alone. They begin to understand themselves as frivolous.

Emission is one of the ways in which sexual action is involved. There are some doctors in the markets and there are many neem-hakims who loot a lot of rupees from youths (who have stepped into the puberty) by showing it as a serious disease. In the early stages of puberty and at the end of adolescence, most such diseases occurs. Many men suffer from Night Falls even after marriage. It is said that in order to keep the health of men healthy, it is also necessary to have Nightfall. Due to nightfall, the bad thoughts of the mind end and the mind gets peace too.

In the mind of youths and early teens, sex desire starts to be awakened. When he sleeps at night, he remembers the day's dream in his dream. He establishes sex with a woman in the dream, so that his semen comes out, it is called Nightfall. It is okay to have nightfall. Don't mourn or feel embarrassed or to convict yourself if you have nightfall. Because there is no harm to the body when the semen come out sometimes.

Watching erotic and excited films. Always be lost about having sexual intercourse with a woman. Focus on sexual things and always keep thinking about them. After the wife has gone to her maternal house, always becomes depressed in memory of her, and keep thinking about looting about sexual activity with her girlfriend. These are few reasons which are responsible for Nightfall.

Keep talk about sex to beautiful girls or keep thinking about them self. Keep looking at any beautiful girl and wish her to become your girlfriend or wife. Waking up with enthusiasm in your mind while thinking of this. Think about the same girl for a long time before bedtime and then go to sleep. After falling asleep in your dream, the same girl being your wife or girlfriend, tampering with her and thinking about sex with her, and thinking about the same thing, the release of semen in dream is cause of Nightfall.

Waking up in the night for a long time, sleeping soon after eating heavy food. Do not urine before going to bed. Despite the urge to urinate, due to idleness, do not urinate at night. Even after sunrise in the morning, sleeping for a long time also causes emission.

Performing heavy Masturbation and sexual intercourse, then stop it. This also causes Nightfall. Due to the occurrence of gonorrhea, the disease doesn't leave body completely and presence of some of their germs in the body causes Emission.

Tobacco, hemp, cannabis, grapefruit, excessive use of drugs, hot spinach, sour-sweet, constipating foods, use excessive amounts of non-digestible substances such as oil, jaggery, red chillies, pickles, hot spices, garlic, onion and use of tension enhancing food, such as fish, eggs, meat, etc. also cause the increase of the disease of dreams.

Depression, poor visions, excessive feeling of weakness, loss of memory, do not feel like doing any kind of work, early release of semen, constipation, to remain single, to live alone, not to talk to anyone, to always feel lethargic, to have less stress in the penis, and to see blue veins flowing on the penis, feel irritation in foots, excessive sweating, hair loss, baldness, and always feeling inferior in the heart and always feeling embarrassed.

Nightfall always happens due to wrong thoughts in childhood or youth. Because of the sexual fantasies in childhood and having sexual thoughts in mind. There is need of abstinence along with medicine treatment. if your mind and your thinking are not good then eating any kind of the medicines or consulting with any doctor will not be helpful. Self control is key factor in treatment.

Home remedies:

Take 5 grams powder mixer of equal quantity of coriander and sugar candy with fresh cold water daily for about one week, the nightfall ends along with getting rid of pain in the urinating tube, syphilis and gonorrhea etc. diseases.

Black Berry:
Take 4 grams of Black berry seed powder and consume it for about 15 days in the evening. Weakness in the body due to excessive nightfall disappears. Do not use sour things until you consume this mixture.

A garlic bud is swallowed while chewed before sleep at night. Nothing should be eaten immediately after this. After sometime, the problem of nightfall will end.

Keep the Triphala (Hard, Behera and Amla) and barley overnight in water. Drink it next morning by adding little honey in it. Due to this, the diseases of night fall will end.

Soaking the tamarind seeds in the milk, mix equal quantity of sugar candy in the extracted seeds of the tamarind. After thoroughly crushing it, make pills like peas and keep it with them. After this, using 1-1 tablet in equal quantity for a few days, the problem of night fall will be eliminated. Do not use fried and more chilli-spiced foods until use this remedy.

Cow's milk:
Take about 3 dates in half liter of cow's milk and add sugar candy in it as per need. Cooked it well. When the milk remains half, eat dates after removing seeds from it and drink that milk. In this way, problem of nightfall will be cured from consuming this milk for a few days. Semen concentration in body will also be increased. Note: - This experiment should be done in the winter days only and in particular it should never be done by the students.

By eating 3-4 drops of real honey in a banana pod before sunrise removes many semen-related diseases make semen concentrated.

By eating the powder of Triphala in honey, the diseases like emission are eliminated. But those people whose temperament is hot, they should use sugar candy instead of honey. If there is use of sugar syrup then more benefit will be obtained.

Indigenous flowers:
Dry in shade the soft petals of Indigenous flower. Then add sugar candy equivalent to it. Mix all these together and make fine powder and put it in a glass vial. Take this powder 5-6 grams with fresh water and take it daily in the morning and evening.

Rose Flowers:
Take 5-6 petals of fresh rose flower and mix them with sugar candy and eat it in mornings and evenings. Then drink cow's milk afterwards. Daily consumption of this powder will eliminate the disease of nightfall.

Take 1 piece almond, a pinch of butter and 3 grams of Galoy - mix all in equal quantity and add 7-8 grams of honey in it. Take this mixture 8 to 10 days in the morning and evening, the diseases of nightfall will be eliminated.

To remove the disease of Nightfall, eat honey by mixing six grams of Amla powder in it. After this, drink sugar candy mixed water.

Half gram of small cardamom's seed, 3 grams of coriander powder and 2 grams of granulated sugar candy - Mix all these ingredients well and make the same amount of pods. Take this mixture with fresh water in the morning. Due to this, it is beneficial to get relief in the disease of nightfall soon.

Peepal bark:
Peepal bark powder 3 grams, cardamom powder half gram and Hemp Bhasam 1/4 gram- Mix these together. Using regularly will end the nightfall of dreams.

China Root:
Mix half a teaspoon of sugar candy, half a teaspoon of China Root Powder, half a teaspoon of Indigenous ghee. Mix all of these properly and use it empty stomach in the morning. After ten days of consuming it, the benefit will be seen in the diseases like Night Falls.

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  1. Excessive nightfall can raise many other disorders in male body and negatively affect his potency and vitality. Herbal treatment for excessive nightfall helps in reducing stress and anxiety and promotes good quality sleep to prevent nightfall. visit http://www.hashmidawakhana.org/seks-max-power-for-nightfall-wet-dreams.html


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