Super Strong Power Foods and Recipe for Youngsters

If you are thinking of making your health, then first you need to improve your routine. You also needs to keep the stomach clean. If there is constipation in the stomach, then how many nutritious foods you consume, there will be no benefit of eating them.

Food should be cooked and chewed on time, so that the digestion power remains fine, then the nutritious diet or medicine should be consumed. Acharya Charak has said that there should be Virya in the body of the Man and Ooz in the body of the Woman, then only the glow and shine on the face and the body looks strong.

Here we are giving information about some nutritious substances, which can be availed and consumed by youngsters-

  • At the time of sleep, one should drink a glass of sweet lukewarm milk and add one spoon pure ghee in it.
  • Milk cream and powdered rock candy should be eaten according to need, it give strangeness to the body.
  • An almond should be rubbed on the stone and mixed with milk, it gives immense strength. Use almonds only in powdered form.
  • Eat fresh butter and sugar candy after mixing, do not drink water at all.
  • Cooking 50 grams urad dal into half a liter of milk gives extra strength. This recipe reinforces the whole body.
  • In the morning 1/4 liter milk and two or three bananas provide strength by eating,
  • Mix one spoon of Ashwagandha powder and one teaspoon sugar candy with lukewarm 1/4 liter milk at night and morning. Changes will start to come in 40 days.
  • Take a spoon of white museli powder, which is made by itself, and take a spoon and a spoon of sugar candy mixed in it, take it with warm lukewarm milk before sleeping at night and early morning. It is extremely potent.
  • Eat pomegranate, bananas or whatever seasonal fruits in morning and evening after food.
  • Mix one tablespoon of honey in one cup cold milk and take it in the morning, it cleanses the blood, and increase blood in the body.
  • Mix 2 spoons onion juice, honey 1 teaspoon, ghee one fourth spoon and consume it. Feel the power of this combination itself. This recipe is perfect in enhancing sexual power.
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