The benefits of waking up early Morning

The benefits of waking up early Morning:
Make a habit of getting up early in the morning to stay healthy. It also strengthens the immune system with the refreshing brain, body and soul. Plus it gives whole time to fulfill plan for a day.

For Good health, one has to follow the 'Early to Bed and Early to Rise' rule, but due to the lifestyle of today, people are unable to follow this routine. Late sleeping and late rushing is not perfect for health. Waking up before sun rise is beneficial for body, mind and spirit. At this time, blood circulation in the mind and body remains positive. Waking up after sun rise causes negative blood circulation. At that same time, blood circulation is slowed down, which doesn't help in deep sleep. Apart from this, it also weakens the immune system.

Benefits of early Waking Up:
Waking up before sunrise keeps the body and mind fresh and there will be no problem of constipation and indigestion. Then your mood remains fresh all day, because you have full time to plan and organize your day. It increases your power and capacities, improve memory and the eye will not weaken.

What to do after waking up:
Wake up in the morning and go for a walk in a park or garden. Take deep breaths during the walk. This will give you fresh oxygen. Do yoga and pranayama after walking. In the morning empty stomach, your blood circulation and digestive system will be good. The best time to wake up in the morning is between three and four o'clock. From view of its benefits, it is also called Brahma Muhurt or Amrit Vela. Actually, the vibration that is available at this time is quite pure. This is the perfect time for prayer and meditation, because at this time, meditation in God and peeping inside ourself is very enjoyable.

Well, the time to sleep at night should be at a maximum of 11 o'clock. Five to six hours of sleep are very common for a normal adult. Looking at the rising sun for nearly half-an-hour is considered good for eye sight and it is very beneficial to do Surya Namaska ​​at this time. Apart from this, water should be drink from copper utensil.

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