Home remedies fo Skin Disease (Acne, Abscesses, Eczema, Itching, Ring Worm, Small Pox, Mumps)

Skin Disease
Our body's skin comes mainly under the excretory organs. Most of our body's toxins goes out in the form of perspiration through the skin daily. As long as our skin remains healthy, there is no toxins inside the body. But when it becomes unhealthy for some reason then its cortex closes and the load of toxins increases in body so much that if it does not get out of this limb then our body produces diseases to excrete out all toxins from the body. From which this toxins starts to come out of the body. These diseases are as follows: itching, ringworm, abscesses, boils, pamas, eczema, leprosy, smallpox and mumps etc. These all are skin diseases.

Symptoms of skin diseases
Patients suffering from this disease's skin become swollen and their boils begin to grow. The patient gets itchy and ringworm. The small red or yellow grains come out on his body.

Causes of skin diseases
The most prominent cause of skin diseases is the accumulation of contaminated material in the body. The skin disease is never local, but like other diseases, it is caused by malfunction and toxins inside the body. Due to not eating balanced food, doing proper and regular exercise, not resting, sleeping well, body become ill. High consumption of tea-coffee and drugs, also causes Disease. Due to intake of contaminated food, there can also occur skin diseases. There could also be skin diseases due to the constipation, headache, dysentery etc. Other diseases also cause skin diseases due to excessive hot and cold weather. There are skin diseases due to pancreatic and liver problems. The person who has worm in the stomach also gets skin diseases. Due to not cleaning the body properly, there will be skin disease. There are also skin diseases occur due to wearing warm clothes and due to general stress. Men can also have skin diseases due to anxiety. The skin is also become worm by wearing wrong clothes.

Treatment of skin diseases with natural healing: 
  • The patient suffering from this disease should drink fruit juice such as carrots, cucumber, spinach, carrot, cabbage, white pita etc. for at least 7 days and should be kept fast. Then for some days uncooked food such as salad, sprouts, food should be consumed. 
  • Mix lemon juice in cauliflower juice and it cleanses the skin diseases in a few days.
  • Soak Fenugreek for atleast 10 hours and drink this water in the morning for few days, skin diseases are cured within a few days.
  • Eating  basil leaves and figs in the morning cures skin diseases. 
  • Boil the leaves of Neem in water, Take bath and do an enema with neem water. In this way, the treatment of skin diseases is cured by daily treatment. 
  • The patient suffering from skin diseases should perform kunjal and cone cleansing daily. In addition to doing some asana and yoga help the patient gets benefits along with the treatment of Naturopathy.
  • These asanas and Yogas are as follows: Sarangjangan, Matthasanan, Surya Namaskar, Yoganidra, Pachimo-uttasan, Jalandhar, Udidyan bands, Shitali, Kapalbhati, and Nadisodhon, Bhastrika etc. 
  • Drink daily water from sun-saturated green bottle and apply it on the skin, cures the skin disease. 
  • If the patient manages to apply Basil juice or lemon juice on the skin, he gets a lot of benefit. 
  • Mix of lemon juice in coconut oil and apply it on the skin every day. Many types of skin diseases are cured. 
  • Applying camphor in coconut oil can be beneficial by applying on herpes or eczema. By applying mint juice, it gets cured soon. 
  • Applying the clay bar after baking hot cold on the armpit improves the herpes. 
  • Applying raw potato or raw onion on the wart 4 times a day for 2 weeks provide benfits. 
  • If a person is suffering from Abscess, then apply warm betal leave or castor oil and wrap it with a bandage overnight. This will break the boil quickly and it will break out and the pus inside it will come out and in a few days the boil will be fine. 
  • Apply the mixture of turmeric on the foreskin of abscess, or by washing the abscess with salt, it breaks soon, and it will soon be alright 
  • Wrap cloth containing ice above the abscess, reduces the pain and inflammation of boils. 
  • If there is any type of boils or blisters on the face, then boil some leaves of basil with water and wash the face with this water. By doing this action at least 3 times a day, the blisters of the face get cured.
  • Make a powder by grinding 2 large spoons of celery and then mix it in curd and make paste. Put this paste on the face while sleeping and wash the face with lukewarm water in the morning, it causes the blisters of the face and acne to cure. 
  • The person suffering from this disease should not consume acidic food items such as oil, sour, spicy, narcotic things, because of this, skin diseases begin to grow. The patient suffering from skin diseases should sit in the sun and take pure mustard oil massage on his body. Massage should be done and after that it should be rubbing and bathing with cold water. In this way, the disease gets cured within a few days due to its treatment. The most prominent cause of skin diseases is stomach disorders, therefore, to treat this disease, patient should eat plain and non-lubricating food. 
  • After this, face acne should be treated with natural healing. Consumption of flour, curd, and matthas, including chokar, gives a lot of benefit to the person suffering from skin diseases. The patient suffering from skin diseases should wrap the wet clay strip 2 times in day for half  an hour. If the patient has constipation, then treat constipation, it should be treated with natural medicine and take an enema once in 24 hours. 
  • Keep filling water in a wide mouth vessel and keep it on fire for boiling. When the steam starts coming out, take out the utensil from the fire and steam on the face for about 15 minutes. After this, rubbing the face softly with soft towel. After this wash the face with cold water. Skin diseases are cured by doing this kind of action every day. 
  • Grinding the peel of orange in the water and rubbing it three times a day on face, the face becomes cleansed. 
  • Make a paste of black clay in the curd. Put this coating on the face in the night to sleep. Then after this, wake up in the morning and wash the face and then wash the face. In this way, it is possible to heal the skin disease for a few days. 
  • The patient suffering from skin diseases should drink water in sun warmed sky blue bottle in the amount of 20 ml at 6 to 7 times.. 
  • By putting the green color light for 25 minutes in a day, the skin disease gets cured within a few days.
The patient suffering from skin diseases should not eat salt in his diet. The patient suffering from skin diseases should not consume sugar, refined food, tea, coffee etc.. The patient suffering from skin diseases, should keep in mind, urine should be clean, sweating should be normal, keeping the lungs working properly and not having constipation in the stomach.

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