Medicinal properties of orange

Medicinal properties of orange:
Oranges are a healthy fruit. There is abundant with vitamin C. Iron and potassium are also in good quantity. The biggest feature of oranges is that it provides fructose, dextrose, minerals and vitamins in body and gives energy. Eating the orange juice keeps the body healthy, the agility increases, the skin gets enhanced and beauty increases.

Uses of Orange:
  • A glass of orange juice fills body with coolness to the mind and heart and removes fatigue and stress. It fills heart and the brain with new strength and freshness.
  • After complaining about dysentery, taking goat's milk in orange juice gives a lot of benefit.
  • Regular consumption of orange is beneficial in hemorrhoids(piles). It has amazing ability to stop bleeding.
  • By consuming orange juice in a high fever, the temperature gets reduced. Citric acid present in it removes urinary diseases and kidney diseases.
  • Giving orange juice with honey to the heart patients gives amazing benefits.
  • Diseases of the teeth and gums are also removed from the use of orange.
  • For young children, orange juice is like nectar. To make them healthy and strong, mixing 1/4th of sweet orange juice with milk makes it a perfect tonic.
  • When babies are out of teeth, they vomit and they do yellowish diarrhea. By giving the orange juice at that time, their discomfort will be removed and digestion power will increase.
  • Even in the stomach gas, indigestion, joint pain, high blood pressure, arthritis, berry-berry disease, orange juice is very beneficial.
  • Orange juice is very beneficial for pregnant women and women with liver disease. By consuming it, there problems of pregnancy will be ease out and labor will also reduce. The child born will be healthy and strong.
  • Eating oranges provides relief in cold. There is also a benefit in dry cough. It cleanses the phlegm out.
  • Grind orange peels, mix with rose water or raw milk. Apply paste and make coat for half an hour, the face becomes clean, beautiful and vibrant in just a few days. Nail acne and mucus will be removed.
  • Grinding fresh orange flower and applying its juice in the head increases hair glow. Hair grows faster and its blackness increases.
  • Oil from the orange peel is extracted. Massaging this oil on the body. It works as mosquitoes repellent.
  • Children, old people, and weak people should eat orange for their weakness.
  • Regular consumption of orange juice reduces obesity and you can reduce your weight without dieting.

In this way, not only the orange maintain health, but also our beauty. Always drink ripe and sweet orange juice. In summer, the orange crop is on its fullest.

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