Naturopathy with Potato (Benefits as Home Remedy)

You can use potatoes alone or mix it with cucumber juice.

Keep two potatoes in the freeze for a few hours. Then peel it and grind it juice. Put the cotton in that juice and apply that juice on all sides of the eyes and leave for fifteen minutes. Wash it after 15 minutes with water. The potato works as a bleaching agent, which helps in removing the dark circles.

Health Benefits of potato:
  • Raw potato is very beneficial in a Blood Diseases.
  • If blue spot occur due to injury. Powdered raw potato work well at the place of blue space.
  • Applying raw potato juice is beneficial if applied at burnt body parts, sun burns, skin wrinkles and other skin diseases.
  • Roasted potato removes old constipation and debris. Potato contains potassium salt which prevents acidity.
  • Bake four potatoes and then take out their peel and add salt, chillies and eat them regularly. It cures rheumatoid arthritis.
  • In Kidney Stones, there is a lot of benefit of eating potatoes. Kidney stones and sands could easily removed by feeding patients with the potatoes and drinking more frequently.
  • If High blood pressure patients eat potatoes, it helps in normalizing blood pressure.
  • Grind the potatoes and massage it on the skin. The color will be bleached.
  • The raw potato rub on the stone and use it as mascara at evening and morning. It is beneficial in treating eye diseases.
  • Giving potato juice to milk feeding children and older children make them strong and healthy. Mix honey in potato juice and drink it too.
  • Potato contains protein equal to proteins present in chicken chicks. Dry potatoes have 8.5 percent protein. Potato protein is very powerful for old men and removing old age weakness.
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