What is Menopause? Naturopathy and Home remedies for Menopausal Conditions

It is mostly for women who are 45 to 50 years old. In this menstrual flow stops for women. This is called menopause. If a woman does not have menstruation for 6 months, then it should be assumed that she has become menopause. If after 6 months has passed, menstrual cycle starts, it is called post menopause bleeding. There are changes in the body during menopause, whose symptoms often cause anxiety and fear.
Some women suffering from this disease seem to find that due to the menopause (menstrual cycle), the beginning of their old age and the beginning of beauty end has started, but all these doubts are wrong.

There are three types of menopause disease-
The first type of menopause in which the woman is healthy but without any difficulty her menstrual cycle suddenly stops and the woman does not even know about this.
The second type of menopause in which the menstrual period of the woman gradually decreases and closes.
The third type of menopause in which the cycle of menstrual cycle arises irregular and the difference between the two menstrual cycles increases.

Symptoms of Menopause Disease:
When menopause occurs to a woman, then the woman starts to feel more heat and sweats out of her body. The woman suffering from this disease does not get enough sleep and becomes a mental depressant. The heart beat of the female increases and feels like ant's bite and needle prick at their hands and feet. Headache starts in patient woman, starts to hear strange sounds in the ear, pain in joints, pain in the waist and irritability occurs. Because of the women suffering from menopause, the secretions are affected and due to which their voice becomes heavy. Women's bearded beads begin to grow due to menopause and women feels obesity. The victim's hair starts falling and her skin becomes turbid and it also develops exhaustion. The woman's brain becomes weak with menopause and lacks mental concentration.

Natural Therapy and Home Remedies for Menopause Disease:

When a woman has menopause, she should pay special attention to her diet. If a woman gives special attention to her diet and routine then her health will be maintained and after her menopause her health and beauty persists. By giving proper attention to health, women sometimes look even better and attractive than before.
  • At the time of menopause, physical, emotional and mental condition of women is very fragile. Therefore, family members, and especially husbands should sympathize with their wife fully and collaboratively.
  • If women are not properly treated at the time of menopause, then they can have uterine-related diseases or women may have mental illness.
  • To be more prone to menopause is the fact that there is a lot of extramarital matter (contaminated material) in the patient's body. Therefore, patient patient should be treated with Naturopathy.
  • The woman suffering from this disease should eat Vitamin 'C', 'D', 'E' and calcium rich food, in which fruits, sprouted greens, vegetables and nuts should be in excess quantity. Apart from this, the patient should drink fruit juice in excess quantity. Drinking juice of beet is also very beneficial but it should be taken in small amounts.
  • A woman suffering from menopause should drink sesame in the milk daily. It gives a lot of benefit to the patient.
  • The patient should not consume much of the food made from contaminated food, flour, chilli-spices and sugar.
  • In a glass cow's milk, add one spoonful of carrot seeds and boil it every day to cure menopause.
  • If the patient has constipation in the stomach, then she should apply wet belt of the soil on its stomach and after this it should clean the stomach by doing an enema action.
  • In the morning, women should go for a walk and also do some exercise like swimming, cycling, horse riding etc.
  • To correct menopause, there are many types of yoga and yoga kriyas, which are done to cure this disease.
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