What is Menstruation? Home remedies for Menstruation Cycle


In age of 10 to 15 years, ovaries starts to produce egg each month each month. These eggs fall down through fallopian tube which connects ovaries to the uterus. When the egg reaches the uterus, its lining become thicker than blood and fluid. It is so that the egg could be fecundated  and support to the birth of the baby. If the eggs don't interact with male's sperm, then it becomes secretion that is expelled from the vagina. This secretion is known as menstruation, or menstrual period (Menstural Cycle or MC).

Home Remedies:

1. Approximately 12-12 grams of Diamond vitriol Foxhound, Elua, a slight roasted asafetida in ghee, pure, Borax nail and salt together with water and form about half a gram of grinding pills. These pills should be taken in the morning and evening with warm water. Start taking pills from 3-4 days before menstruation's begin and continue during menstruation period. In addition, the patient's waist and pelvis should  do fomentation with hot water bottle or hot brick. Female patient sit in tub filled with hot water  till novel, it is also beneficial. Roasted chickpeas or  cowpea juice, hot water, millet, wheat, eggplant, peas, dates, tea and raisins intake is also beneficial for the patient woman.

2. If a woman get excessive menstruation discharge and feels too much pain during menstruation period, then take about 3 grams muleti powder, 2 grams Mayi, 1 gram of pure rasauta and 1 gram catechu, mix together and start from fourth day menstruation cycle and take in the morning and evening. Afterward drink rice water. Approximately 120 to 240 mg of nagabhasma with butter is beneficial to take in the morning and evening. If the patient doesn't get relief from these home remedies, she should seek advice from a good doctor.

3. If women get less menstruation due to lacking of blood or weakness or mental depression, premenstrual women should take healthy food and medicines to strengthen the body. Amla jam, loh-bhasam, Abrak bhasam, Silver bhasam is beneficial in these disease

4. If menstruation does not come at all, then add 12 grams of saffron powder and 25 gram indrayana root in number 1 mentioned formulation. These pills are helpful to start menstruation in about 40 days consumption.

Information- These pills can cause constipation. So you should not be afraid in any way.

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