Home remedies for Vagina Diseases

Itching in the vagina:
  • Coating of the basil leaves on the vagina will cure Itching.
  • In the banana paste, mix Amla juice and sugar candy together, itching becomes fine.
  • By applying Bhimseni camphor in coconut oil at vagina will correct the itching problem.
  • Take the neem leaves, Giloya, Mulhati, Triphala and Sharpunkha in equal amounts. Then boil 10 grams powder in five hundred grams of water. When half of the water remains, take off and filter. Washing the vagina twice a day regularly with this water will remove itching.
  • Washing the vagina with good quality alcohol provides relief from its itching.
  • Soak 200 grams of wheat in water at night. Grind it in the morning and make a halva in pure ghee and eat it 2 to 3 times a day. It will provide relief in itching.
  • Always keep the vagina and nearby organs cleans.
  • Due to vaginal itching, if there is a pain in the vagina and swelling or wound, then put the Arand oil in cotton and put it inside the vagina. It will provide Satisfactory relief in one week.
  • The soreness of the vagina will be removed in 4-5 days after a lemon juice in a glass of buttermilk drink empty stomach in the morning.
  • If cause of itching is Blennenteria, then taking five grams of Amla powder with sugar twice in a day. It will help to get relief in the itching.
  • Take fresh leaves of gular fifty grams and boil it in half a liter of water, when the water remains half, take it off and filter. Then add one and a half grams of Suwaga in it. After this, clean the vagina well by this lukewarm water with a syringe.
  • Mix Gular Stw in hot water, it also provides relief in itching of the uterus.

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