Linseed: Best and Safe Solutions for Diseases like Impotence, blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, depression, arthritis and cancer

Best and Safe Solutions for Treatment of Sex Problems

Your herbal therapist will fix all your sexual problems by feeding the linseed because the linseed is a great medicine for ejaculation, weak leprosy, infertility, miscarriage and lactation in modern age.
  • It is best and safe treatment compare to other sex treatments. Just take 30 grams linseed daily.
  • First of all, linseed will make you and your spouse's skin attractive, gentle, moist, immaculate and fair. Your hair will become black, dense, strong, shiny and silky.
  • The linseed will make your body energetic, strong and muscular. There will be agility in the body, neither will anger nor exhaustion. The mind will become calm, positive and divine.
  • The omega-3 fat, zinc and magnesium present in the linseed will produce sufficient testosterone hormone and excellent pheromone (hormones of attraction) in your body. Your libido will be at extreme level from testosterone. Your love, affection and mutual attraction will increase with your partner. With your pleasant personality, intoxicating smile will attract your partner too for intimate relationship. 
  • Omega-3 fats, arginine and lignanine present in the linseed increase the flow of blood in the genitals, which leads to powerful erection, as well as excellent and dynamic sperm. Apart from this, they are rejuvenating the dilapidated damaged nerves, which facilitates the flow of information and sensitization.
  •  To keep the nerves healthy, lecithin, vitamin B group, beta carotene, folate, copper etc. have an important role. These are present in linseed. In addition to omega-3 fat, selenium and zinc are very essential for the maintenance of prostate, control of ejaculation, testosterone and sperm. According to some scientists, the height and thickness of the penis also increases by linseed.
Now we can see how linseed is used to decorate the taste of pomp and pubescence, it produces tremendous unstoppable erection, as long as the cycle of unrestrained sexual intercourse begins, all the chakras of the body are opened, the divine energy flows in the whole body. And intercourse is not a mechanical play, it becomes a spiritual festival, becomes a form of samadhi.

Method to use Linseed:

  • We should eat 30-60 grams linseed every day. 30 grams is the ideal quantity. Grind the linseed flour in a dry grinder and use linseed flour to make Roti and eat it. The diabetic patients should eat the linseed roti in the morning and evening. We can also makes delicious dishes like breads, cakes, cookies, ice cream, chapatis, laddu etc. from linseed.
  • The second one is that you put the linseed in a dry vessel. Roast it (roasted loudly while roasting) and grind it with a mixer. Grind it slowly, do not do fine immediately. After the meal take it with fennel. But don't make it in excess quantity, it become spoils. It should be made for one week only. All sellers of grains, pansari or ayurvedic herbs keep Linseed. You can purchase from them.
  • Poultice of linseed is used in the pain of the throat and chest, swelling and pneumonia and rib's pain. Along with this, it provides relief in injury, sprain, swelling of joints, lump or abscess in the body. It also provides relief in asthma and cough by removing the sputum from breathing tubes.
  • It is act as diuretic. It stimulates radiation in large amounts and stimulates Kidneys in small amounts.
  • It is beneficial in painful urine, stones and urine sugar.
  • Smelling of the linseed oil smoke helps in removing sputum from nose and provide benefits in the old cold. This smoke also shows properties in hysteria disease.
  • Purification of the rectum is done by giving an enema to the decoction of linseed. Its oil drink is beneficial in abdominal diseases.
  • Applying linseed oil and lime water to the burns promotes quick healing.
  • Drinking stale linseed in pain of stones, gonorrhea and urine provides relief in the disease. Place the cold processed oil of linseed in the air tight bottle in the fridge by crushing linseed in crusher. Drink this oil morning and evening in fifteen ml quantity provide relief in the pain of nerves, waist and knees. 
  • For pain of nerves, waist and knees , the fresh powder of its seeds can also be used in the quantity of ten grams with milk. Take it with breakfast.
  • Take the linseed oil (like castor oil) in diseases such as hemorrhoids, bruises, fisher etc., the stomach is cleansed and the feces gets loose. It provides relief from pains in these diseases.
  • In mixer prepare 15 gram linseed powder, 5 gm Muleti, 20 gm sugar candy. Add half lemon juic in it and put it in boiled water 300 gm and cover the utensil. filter it after 3 hours and drink. This helps in removing cough from throat and respiratory track. It also works as diuretic. 
  • The diabetic patient is advised to eat less sugar and more fiber. Mixed dough of linseed and wheat (where linseed and wheat are in equal quantity) and make roti and eat.
  • Linseed is very beneficial in infertility, menstruation, impotence and immunity.
  • Treats many incurable diseases such as asthma, alzheimers, multiple sclerosis, depression, Parkinson's, lupus nephritis, aids, swine flu etc. Sometimes it gives relief from eyeglasses. Make the sight clear and straighten
  • Linseed is treatment of every type joint pain. Cheap and excellent treatment of joint replacement surgery. It is beneficial in treatment of arthritis, cytica, lupus, gout, osteoarthritis etc.
  • The largest source of lignanen is linseed, which is antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancerous properties. Linseed strengthens the defense system and helps the body fight against external infection or trauma and is powerful anti-oxidant.
  • Lignanen is an emerging seven star nutrient found in the vegetation that is a botanical pattern of female hormone estrogen and provide proper balance to different hormones in different stages of life such as roses, pregnancy, childbirth, maternity and menopause. Lignanen keeps the menstrual constant and balanced. Lignanen is natural remedy for menopause, birth-pain and abortion. Lignanen is milk-producing. Ligenen protects and cures diseases such as breast, kidney, intestine, prostate, skin and all other cancers, aids, swine flu and enlarged prostate etc.
  • Linseed renovates skin, hairstyle and nails. Omega-3 and lignanen are powerful anti-oxidants of linseed, protect the collagen of the skin and make the skin attractive, soft, moist, immaculate and blond. The linseed is a safe, permanent and excellent food cosmetic that brings accumulation from the inside of the skin. Every disease of skin, hair and nails such as acne, eczema, herpes, itch, itching, dry skin, psoriasis, lupus, dandruff, hair dry, thin or two-headed, hair fall etc. is cured by linseed. Eating in young age increases the height.
  • Linseed is a Feelgood food, because the linseed keeps the heart happy, there is no annoyance or anger. It helps in maintaining positive attitude. It calm down and tone your body, mind and soul. By eating linseed, man leaves greed, jealousy, hatred and ego. Willpower, patience, discrimination begin to grow, the powers like predecessors begin to develop. This is a natural conditioned meal.
  • Linseed keeps cholesterol, blood pressure and heart rate in check. Keeps the blood slimy. Keeps blood vessels clean.
  • The linseed not only controls sugars but also protect and heal from the side effects of diabetes. Fibers in linseed are 27%  whereas sugar is 1.8% which is very less. So this is called zero-sugar diet and is the ideal diet for diabetes. Linseed increases BMR, reduces aridity of food, reduces fat, increases strength and stamina, removes tiredness and helps in reducing weight. Since omega-3 and protein grow muscles, hence this is number one supplement for body building is linseed.
  • According to Ayurveda, the root cause of every disease is stomach and it is more effective than Isapgol in keeping the stomach clean. It also beneficial in IBS, ulcerative colitis, indigestion, hemorrhoids, wart etc.
  • Omega-3 is an important part of the outer shells or membranes of all the cells in our body, their nucleus, mitochondria etc. This gives these membranes the desired liquidity, tenderness and permeability. When omega-3 is absent in body, our body lacks omega-3, these walls are become rigid and ugly from omega-6 fat or trans fat in place of soft and flexible omega-3. Balance between omega-3 And the omega-6 disturbs. inflammatory prostaglandins begin to form, our cells start inflamed, it starts to cause blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, depression, arthritis and cancer The is the beginning of these diseases.

What are you still thinking of today, and see its advantages ... In the summer, you should reduce the quantity of this and eat only 15 grams

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