Medicinal properties of watermelon:

Medicinal properties of watermelon:
The fruits of every season have some additional characteristics. Due to the richness of medicinal properties, watermelon has been given the status of domestic doctor in the summer. There are different benefits on eating in different ways:

Headache :
On summer day if have a headache, mix sugar cane in the juice of red pulp of the melon. It provides relief in pain.

Boils come out of the skin in the start of summer at many people body. To get relief from these, start eating watermelon regularly. Its juice suppresses the heat of the body and the blisters do not appears. If there is a wound on the body, then it also gets filled by eating it too.

Indigestion :
In indigestion , add rock salt and black pepper powder over watermelon and eat it. Eating plain salt will make the stomach clean and hungry.

On vomiting:
Drinking by mixing orange juice with equal quantity of juice of watermelon stops vomiting.

High blood pressure :
This fruit contains a Curcuboetrien element, which regulates the blood pressure. The cold melon meal is beneficial.

Ankle swelling:
The ankle of the elderly gets swollen while walking a little away. Rubbing watermelon peel from white portion provides relief in ankle swelling.

Infant Development:
If pregnant women are feeded with fennel, sugar candy with watermelon seeds, then the development of infant baby is promoted. Its seeds are power boaster as well as memory enhancer. Eating in morning prevents day long heat. If the children are thirsty again, then give them a little watermelon to eat them.

Skin tones :
It is beneficial to drink watermelon juice every day to make the lost skin shine again. Mixing pulp with cream and rose water, applied on face, neck and hands, the skin gets bright.

In constipation:
Eating 250-300 gm of watermelon daily removes the problem of constipation.

Burn Sensation During of Urination:
Many people in the summer have a problem of burning sensation. Consuming it as food or drink does not cause irritation during urination.

In case of sunburns, add the watermelon juice to the rose water and gently apply it on the face and after 10 minutes, wash it with cold water. Sunburn will be fine

Obesity:This summer weather is best for weight loss. Eat aquatic foods whenever a person feel hunger. The stomach will be fill, the throat will not dry and the best thing it will reduce obesity without dieting.

Seed is also beneficial for health:Sucking the seeds with peels gives benefits in diarrhea. Its Wet Seeds also contain caloric contents, which are beneficial for body.


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