How to drink Water for Healthy Life?

"Water is life". This is being spoken from the ancient time and it is true also.
But if many people drink water incorrectly, it create more harm instead of providing benefits.

Let's know when and how much to drink Water:
  • Always drink natural water like pitcher's water that is beneficial for health. Never drink freeze or ice water.
  • Rinse mouth just after wake-up in the morning and take 2-3 glasses of water slowly slowly. It is good for health and also keeps the stomach clean.
  • Never drink water with food. Dietitian says that if needed, use fresh fruit juice in the morning, butter milk in the afternoon and hot milk in the night.
  • Always drink the water slowly slowly and Chew food like it becomes water like.
  • Drink water before 40 minutes and 60-90 minutes after having meal. Never drink Freeze cold water, Ice water. Drink lukewarm or mud vessel water.
  • Hot water is good for health but more hot water can burn the throat and tongue.
  • Drink at least eight to ten glasses of water throughout the day.
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