Medicinal uses of basil seeds

Whenever there is plenty of flower in the basil, it should be broken on ripe otherwise the ants and insects will damage the basil plant and it will ends. Keep these ripe fruits, separate black seeds from it. Collect it, it is known as sabja. If there is no Tulsi plant in your house, you can also find basil seeds from the Pansari or Ayurvedic medicines store in the market. These are easily available there.

Here we are mentioning few medicinal properties of Basil seeds:

Shortage of Semen and early fall: 
Take 5 grams of basil seeds with hot milk every night, the problem of Shortage of semen and early discharge will be solved.

Take 5 grams of basil seeds with hot milk every night, impotence will be removed and sexual enhancement will be increased.

Irregular Menstruation Cycle:
By the time the menses arrive, from that day till the menses remain, take 5-5 grams of basil seeds in the morning and evening with water or milk, the problem of the menstruation cycle will be cured and the women who have problems in pregnancy will also get benefits.

Basil leaves are hot, but seeds are cool. It is also used in Faluda. By soaking it, it act like a jelly. If we take this by putting some domestic rose petals with milk or butter milk, it gives coolness in the summers. Apart from this, it also removes digestive disturbances and reduces bile.

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