Eight Benefits of Tomato that you don't know

Ripe tomato juice with a cup of water removes chronic constipation and provide power to the intestines.

Improve digestive power:
Eating tomato constantly prevents constipation and cures diarrhea. It removes the wounds of the eyes. Tomato gives strength to the large intestine. Make digestion healthy. Tomato removes the stomach poison and removes its disease.

Strength (boosting strength):
In the morning, mixing a little honey in a glass of tomato juice in breakfast makes the face red like tomato. This consumption increases memory. Tomato strengthens liver and lungs.

Infantile Strength (To increase the strength of the infant):
Mothers of children should eat tomatoes and their children also drink tomato juice every day. It is good for the development of children's body. Make Digestion good and teeth can easily come without pain. Apart from this, tomato is beneficial in body lethargy, stomach diarrhea (diarrhea), jaundice and stomach diseases etc.

Men's Health:
Mixing rock salt and ginger in 100 grams of red tomatoes before food provides benefits.

Insecticide (stomach worms):
Cut out the red tomatoes and mix it with salt and black pepper powder  and after eating stomach insects, get out of the cavity. Tomato juice mixed with asafetida also kills stomach worms.

Mouth ulcers:
Those who have frequent ulcer problem in the mouth should eat more tomatoes. Rinse mouth with tomato juice with mixing in water. It ends the blisters of the mouth. Rinse mouth with half a glass of tomato juice into half glass of water. With this all the diseases of the mouth are cured.

Itching :


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